Working Papers
Trade Integration and Trade Dynamics, joint with Juan Moreno-Cruz and Volker Nitsch, August 2024
Depth and Death: Trade Agreements and Trade Duration, joint with Juan Moreno-Cruz and Volker Nitsch, July 2024
Experimenting with Ash: The Trade Effects of Airspace Closures in the Aftermath of Eyjafjallajökull, joint with Antu Panini Murshid, February 2018
Under Development
Complexities of Choosing a Prescription Drug Plan: An Experimental Study, Cary Deck, Mike Shor, and Sudipta Sarangi
What Drives Export Survival? An Analysis of Export Duration in Latin America, joint with Juan S. Blyde
Firm Heterogeneity, Trade Liberalization, and Duration of Trade: The Case of India, joint with Usha Nair-Reichert
The Effect of Multilateral Environmental Agreements on Bilateral Trade, joint with Xinping Tian, Jianqiu Wang, and Mingge Wu
The Role of Multilateral Environmental Agreements on Intensive and Extensive Margins of International Trade, joint with Jianqiu Wang
Product Quality, Duration, and Growth of Trade, joint with Sen Yan
Unfriendly Skies: The Impact of Increases in Distance on Bilateral Trade, joint with Jing Chu and Antu Panini Murshid
Exports at the Intensive and Extensive Margin in the Face of Time‐Varying Trade Policy, joint with Chad P. Bown
Waiting for Brexit, joint with Tristan Kohl and James Lake
On the Duration of Trade in Services: Firm-Level Evidence from Germany, joint with Volker Nitsch
Financial Sanctions and Trade in Goods and Services: The Case of Germany, joint with Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch
Multidimensional Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Young Adults, joint with Seunghoon Lee and Tongyang Yang
Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and Exports, joint with Sen Yan
Product Complexity and Duration of U.S. Exports, joint with Sen Yan
China to Free Trade, joint with Xiaoxi Wang
Understanding Duration of U.S. Agricultural Trade
Complexities of Choosing a Prescription Drug Plan: An Experimental Study, joint with Cary Deck, Mike Shor, and Sudipta Sarangi
Choice Overload and Loss Aversion in Multi-Attribute Decision Making, joint with Cary Deck, Mike Shor, and Sudipta Sarangi
Salience in Dominance-Solvable Games, joint with Mark Schneider and Mikhael Shor
The Neuroeconomics of Free, joint with Mark Schneider and Mikhael Shor
Incentives and Disincentives of Extra Credit Assignments: A Classroom Experiment, joint with Antu Panini Murshid, Sarah Quintanar, and Sudipta Sarangi
A Conference Tale of the Tape: Academic Production Function and Conferences